Winner – Customer Experience award, Australian Retail Innovators 2022

We are delighted to announce that Retail Prodigy Group won the Customer Experience award at the Australian Retail Innovators 2022 Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 12 April 2022.

Speaking to the team at Retail Doctor Group, Co-Founder and CEO Stephen Younane reflected on RPG’s journey to redefine the Customer Experience:

Steve Younane explains that "the only way for the business to thrive and survive is to have a culture that's obsessed with the customer and the customer experience". This is Retail Prodigy Group's key differentiator that ultimately sets them apart from their competitors; "Customer Centric Culture is in the DNA of Our Business".

"If you build this real connection, and there's a trust level with that relationship, you're learning about the person, you're not just selling something to them, you know, maybe you're getting into the why they're buying it."

At Retail Prodigy Group, rather than assuming what the customer wants, the brand garners results from their data retrieved from constant testing and trailing using their artificial intelligence (Al) technology. For the future, Retail Prodigy Group aims to maintain a culture of always seizing opportunities when they arise and not being afraid to fail to learn from their mistakes to improve for the future.

A warm congratulations to all finalists and winners. Thank you to Retail Doctor Group for recognising RPG at this year's Australian Retail Innovators 2022 Awards.

To read more from Steve's interview with Retail Doctor Group, you can download the whitepaper.


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